Craps is a casino game with a history that goes back decades. It has become one of the most popular of all casino games. The game is easy to play – the most time-consuming part when learning the game is learning the odds and the rules. Once you get them down you will have a better idea of how you wish to approach your bets.
Another important thing for you to do is to become familiar with the craps table. The table can be a bit intimidating at first. Luckily, the game will make sense completely once you understand the table. The odds and the table are two of the first things to pay attention to as you are looking for information on how to play the game.
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What are the rules of craps?
Craps is a game of dice in which the players will make bets on the outcome of the dice as they are rolled. There are many different bets a player can choose and this where many players try strategy to help them decide which bets they want to make.
The first thing you will do is to place your bets. You do this by placing your chips on the section of the table which is marked with the bet you want to place. If you bet correctly and the outcome of the roll matches your wager, then you win and will be paid out. However, if your bet is wrong then you will of course lose your money.
There are many ways in which you can bet in the game of craps. Some players choose to go with their gut and make bets on a whim. Other players like to use strategy; either their own or someone else’s. There have been many books written on craps strategy and players learn these strategy techniques thinking it will lead to them seeing more wins. However, nothing is a sure thing when it comes to gambling, so always expect to lose and hope to win.
If you want to play craps then you will quickly see that learning the table is the most difficult part. Luckily, this can be learned in just a short manner of time. Once you get the game down you will have a whole new world of casino gambling open to you.
What are the different kinds of craps?
While most people are a little familiar with the game, they may not know that there are actually different types of craps. Some of the different games are a lot different than the traditional game of craps and some just have a few changes which have been made. Some of the different craps types include Crapless Craps, High Point Craps, Simplified Craps, and Die Rich Craps.
Crapless Craps works exactly the way craps does, but the bets are different. The game begins just like craps, after the shooter rolls the dice. If the shooter rolls a 7 then pass line bets win. If the shooter rolls 2, 3, 11, & 12, then the respective number established the point and the shooter will have to roll the point number again before getting a 7. Regular craps bets are offered as well, but the rules are simpler than traditional craps. One thing you want to be aware of is that this type of craps has a lower chance of you winning than traditional craps.
High Point
High Point Craps is a more unique and creative form of the game with its own rules that make it quite different from the traditional craps game. In this game the 2 and 3 rolls are ignored completely and the shooter must roll again until they roll a different value. 11 and 12 rolls automatically win. If another number is rolled, instead of the ones listed above, then that number is the point and the shooter must roll a higher total number than the established point.
Simplified Craps is a very, very simple game that ignores many of the common bets. In this form a player wins when the shooter rolls the numbers 2 through 4 and 10 through 12. A player will lose if the shooter rolls a 5 through 9.
Die Rich
This form is one of the newer forms and it is unique due to the fact that it is played with just one die. During the come out roll the player wins if a 6 is rolled and lose if a 6 is rolled. 2 through 5 become the points if they are rolled first. The shooter has 3 rolls in which to roll the point again to win.

What are the terms you need to know in craps?
Craps – Not only is it the name of the game, it’s also what the numbers 2, 3, & 12 are referred to in the game.
Come – Betting that is done within the come box means you are betting the dice are going to pass. The bets here are made after the come-out roll.
Don’t Come – This bet is just the opposite of the come bet.
Pass Line – The Pass Line is where you place your chips when you are betting the dice will pass.
Don’t Pass Bar – The Don’t Pass Bar is where you place your chips when you are betting that seven will come up before a point repeats.
Place Bets – The numbers 4 through 6, 8 through 10, and 12 are in this field and you put your money in this section if you want to wager that one of these numbers are going to be the ones rolled.
Field – The numbers 2 through 4 and 9 through12 are found in the field section of the table. You place your money in this section when you want to bet on one of these numbers will roll.
One Roll Bets – You will notice that “one roll bets” looks more like a title for another group of sub-bets. Putting your chips under this area means that you are betting on the next roll. If the exact roll occurs then you will be paid according to the bets odds.
Hardways – These bets mean you are wagering on a 4, 6, 8, or 10 showing up. They need to be rolled as a pair before they are rolled as a combination.
Any 7 – When you place this bet it means you are wagering that a 7 will be the next roll.
Any Craps – When you bet here it means you are betting on a 2, 3, or a 12 to be the next roll.
6:8 – This bet means you are wagering on a 6 and an 8.
What are some of the strategies in craps?
Once you are ready to begin playing the game, you will want to learn about some of the different strategies. Strategies will help you understand different point of views about the game. The more that you educate yourself on the game in all areas, the better off you will be in the long run.
One of the most important things you need to know regarding the craps systems is they really only offer you a false sense of hope. They may sound like a great idea, but they in no way guarantee you will see certain results. If you are still interested in learning about craps systems, here are a couple of the more popular strategy sytems.
The Iron Cross System
The Iron Cross System is a very popular system that many players think will help them to increase their chances of seeing more wins when they play. When using this system you will be expected to win on all numbers except for 7. The reason why this system has a problem is due to the fact that it combines the two bets that hold the highest house edge which is the place bet and the field bet.
The Martingale System
The Martingale System is the most well-known strategy, which is also commonly seen in other games like roulette or baccarat. With the Martingale System it is suggested that you double your bets for each round that you lose. You are to start out making a small bet and then double that bet each time you lose. This system goes off of the thought that you will eventually have to win. When you do eventually win you will end up winning back what you have lost.
The big problem you will run into when you try implementing the Martingale System is that you can eventually lose all of your money by doubling it each time that you lose. You need to understand that your past bet in no way predicts your future bets outcomes. Every roll is independent and this means that you can’t count on winning simply because you have already lost.
Make sure you learn the table before betting any big bets and have a good money management plan in place. You never want to steer away from your plan. Always play when you are in the right frame of mind and stay disciplined.

When was the game of craps invented?
Many people don’t realize exactly how far back the game of craps really goes. Rumor has it that Roman soldiers created the game and rolled dice which were made out of pig bones. They would roll these dice on their shields, using them as the table. However, what we know for sure is that the game dates back at least to the 1700s. The game was first called “Hazard” and it had a nickname given to it from the French which was “Crabs”. The game is thought to have originally been created by those who were from the European aristocracy. This was before they came to America.
During 1813 the game underwent a few changes when Bernard de Mandeville changed some of the rules to make the game a bit simpler. The name of the game also changed at this time and began being called “Craps”. The game grew in popularity and spread until it became a very popular game known throughout the United States.
After some time a man named John H. Winn made some significant changes to the game even more when he added the don’t pass bet. This gave players the chance to either wager with or against the shooter. It is this change that led to the stopping of loaded dice. Las Vegas continued adding to the popularity to the game in the year 1931. Since this time the game has see tremendous growth and has become a favorite of many. Players from all walks of life and with all different sized budgets have come to appreciate the game.
Today, the craps tables are some of the busier parts of the casino. Online casinos also see quite a bit of traffic thanks to the craps games they offer. While there are games such as blackjack and slots that compete for the majority of loyal casino players, craps still holds its own. It’s a game that has proven its staying power and has much to offer.
What are some popular craps expressions?
The colorful and creative expressions used in craps might sound confusing at first, but when you get the hang of them, they will help you keep up with the game and feel more at home while you play. Here’s a glossary of common expressions you might hear around the table.
Ada from Decatur – A nickname for the number 8.
Backline – This is the nickname for Don’t Pass.
Betting the Dice to Win – This means placing a wager on the Pass Line.
Big John – The number 10.
Bones – This is another name for dice in this game.
Box Cars – This is the common nickname for two 6s.
Box Person – This is the person in charge of the game.
Cheques – This is another name for the chips.
Coloring Up – Turning in your chips for larger ones.
Deuce – This is another name for the 2.
Eye in the Sky – This is what players often call the surveillance cameras.
Fever – This is another name for the number 5.
Hot Dice – The term “Hot Dice” is said when a particular shooter is making many of their points.
Lil’ Joe – This is the nickname for the number 4.
Marker – This is the circle marker which notes the shooter.
Natural – The numbers 7 and 11.
Mop – This is the stick which is used to control the dice.
Pit – The pit is the spot in which the dealers stand in the center.
Press – This is the act of adding more to an already existing bet.
Shooter – This is the person rolling the dice.
Snake Eyes – This is a nickname for the number 2.
Square Pair – This is two 4s.
Toke – This is a dealer’s tip.
Trey – This is the number 3.
What are the odds in craps?
Pass Line/Come: 2:1 on 4 or 10, 3:2 on 5 or 9, 6:5 on 6 or 8
Don’t Pass/Don’t Come: 1:2 against the 4 or 10, 3:2 against the 5 or 9, 6:5 against the 6 or 8
- Yo-11: 17 to 1
- 2: 35 to1
- 3: 17 to 1
- 12: 35 to 1
- Hi/Lo: 17 to 1
- Craps: 8 to 1
- C & E: 5 to 1
- Any 7: 5 to 1
- The Field: 5 to 4
- Horn: 5 to 1
- Whirl/World: 2 to 1
- Hard 4/Hard 10: 8 to 1
- Hard 6/Hard 8: 10 to 1
- Big 6 & Big 8: 6 to 5
- Place 4 or 10: 2 to 1
- Place 5 or 9: 3 to 2
- Place 6 or 8: 6 to 5
- Buy 4 or 10: 2 to 1
- Lay 4 or 10: 1 to 2
- Lay 5 or 9: 2 to 3
- Lay 6 or 8: 5 to 6
One has to note that these are just general odds and the real odds will depend on the actual casino that you are playing the game at. Also, the tables will have a negative expectation and this means that eventually, over a period of time, the player is expected to lose money. That’s why it’s important to always play responsibly and with great discipline.
Can I play craps free online?
Before you play in the real money games you may want to take advantage of the free play games. You can use these games for practice until you have the game down and feel comfortable moving on to real money games.
Some players like to go to the free play games when they see that their bankroll is down. This way, they get to keep having fun and enjoying the craps games, but they don’t have to worry about putting any money out to do so.
Should I play craps online?
Playing craps online is a convenient way for players to participate in the game at any time and from just about any location. There is an extensive selection of online casinos that offer craps for players to play. The online casinos offer free games, real money games, and a lot of helpful information on all aspects of playing the game. You want to go with an online casino that offers you a wide selection of craps games so you can choose one that’s perfect for you.